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Online Psychotherapy

People who face a fast-paced lifestyle, who have a mobility disability or people living in remote areas and abroad are not deprived of the "gift" of therapy. 

Online Ψυχοθεραπεία

Online Sessions

Online Psychotherapy nowadays is used by a large part of the population, the pace is fast and sometimes time is limited. Through remote psychotherapy people who are facing a fast-paced lifestyle, who have some mobility difficulties or people living in remote areas and abroad are not deprived of the "gift" of therapy.

One of the main advantages of the online session is that you can reduce the transportation time to and from your therapist and have the comfort of your own space. Research has shown that online psychotherapy has satisfactory therapeutic results, often on the same level as in-person psychotherapy.

However, it is recommended to have some face-to-face sessions, either during the first acquaintance or, if not possible, during the course of the sessions for more immediate development of trust and intimacy with the therapist.

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How long is the duration of a session?

The Online session is no different from the individual sessions. It lasts at least 50 minutes.

What happens in the first Online session?

The first session is an introductory session, the aim of the therapist is to listen to and understand the request that the client brings and to agree on how to work towards addressing it. But also to diagnose if the client can follow a remote session because it is not appropriate in cases of severe crisis or psychological disorder.

What is the frequency of the sessions?

The frequency is something that is agreed between the therapist and the clients or the couple at the beginning of the therapy. Usually sessions are held on a weekly basis.

Can I trust a psychologist with my secrets?

As with face-to-face therapies, professional confidentiality and codes of conduct also apply to online sessions.